Monday, October 4, 2010

Yeah, yeah, facts

Originally posted Wednesday, January 20, 2008 at 9:58 pm

Here's the rules of the game: list a 100 random facts about yourself. Tag all your friends and see if they repost.

I got sick of tagging people after number 7 or so, so yeah.

1. I'm addicted to working out. When I don't work out, it's just because there's no time or opporunity that day, and I still feel bad about it. I've worked out 7 out of the 9 full days I've been up here so far. By the end of this week, that number will more than likely be 9 out of 12. 75%.

2. I personally know three other people who were born on the exact same day as me. And one who was born exactly two years after me. The end of October is a popular time for conception.

3. I am also addicted to tetris which is, as my current status states, an art. I have come to learn that these past few weeks.

4. College isn't for me. I don't do structured and monotonous well.

5. God is most important in my life. And I try hard to show it in how I live my life.

6. Entertainment is one of my passions.

7. Filmmaking is my other. It does not fall into the same category as entertainment. Filmmaking is an art. A medium. True film, in the fashion I would like to make, should do more than entertain you. It should make you feel. It should change your life. That's what I want to do with film.

8. In 2005, I made it aware that I did not want to be known as the class clown and rather not be voted that superlative. Two years later, I graciously accepted that title, because it's apart of who I am. I still don't like the title of clown, though. I am a humorist.

9. I write so much better than I speak. I also write so much better than most people. But speak so much worst than most people as well. So it evens out.

10. I will gladly listen to the Jonas Brothers as long as I am blissfully unaware of their fanbase, their supposed fame status, and their strutting.

11. On the subject of music, I joke around a lot about listening to the Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus, but they are nowhere near my favorite artists, nor do I think their music has much substance beyond catchiness and the occasionally upbeat, positive message.

12. Favorite music? Taking Back Sunday, Jason Mraz, Justin Timberlake, Shakira, and most recently, Paramore.

13. Ludacris is my favorite rapper. TI and Trick Daddy follow that.

14. I really don't think I could become romantically involved with a guy who didn't at least have some skill in basketball. What can I say? Sinking a jump shot turns me on.

15. I also couldn't be romantically involved with a guy who would consider himself good at "beer pong." Or any guy who plays that regularly.

16. I like everyone, unless you've given me a specific reason not to. And I'll tell you that specific reason: you've purposely started crap with me. And even then, I don't dislike you. I just become indifferent. Unless you've started crap with a friend of mine - THEN I dislike you.

17. I never start drama. I can only name one instance, and even then, it wasn't a case of me overreacting over something stupid. It was planned and quite manipulative, I admit, and it wouldn't have even worked if the other party involved hadn't have overreacted about it. But we knew that she would, so thus the plan. I can justify it, really, but I don't feel like going into all of that here. Anyway, all other times, I never started it. Wanna challenge that? I invite you to, but I'll prove it.

18. At this moment, I have 70 subscribers on my youtube channel. Mamma mia!

19. All things I say to make you laugh, I usually don't think they're funny. I just know what kind of humor the majority of people react to and thus unconsciously create it. I don't consider it selling out, because the only reason I seek to make people laugh is to benefit them. I enjoy seeing people enjoy themselves, and I love being the cause of that.

20. What makes me laugh? Completely random stuff. Silly things that isn't classified as "stupid humor", but definitely only makes a special breed of person laugh. Some things that make the majority laugh make me laugh, too (like Adam Sandler movies), but a lot of things that make the majority laugh, I just find stupid. Like, Charlie the Unicorn. RETARDED.

21. Like I said, I never start stuff, but I always have to retaliate. I've been trying not to lately, but it's definitely a hard habit to break. A lot of the stuff doesn't even bother me - I just have to bite back. It's a pride thing.

22. I took martial arts for six years. The forms I studied were karate, tae kwon do, and this nifty style called tae kuk mu sul.

23. I also used to fence. Only did it for a couple of months, but by the time I was done with it, I had won a few matches. I only learned to do it with a foil.

24. I wanted to attend Stanford University as a Biology major, following a pre-med track, then go to medical school to become a psychiatrist. Then I decided that film school in New York would be so much more fun.

25. On the subject of academics, I'm pretty much a genius, and I say that as humbly as I can, haha. I dunno - I think people see me as a film major and a joker and just don't think of me as being one of those kind of people. But I am.

26. Because I am, I wonder sometimes if I'm wasting my potential, because I could've easily been successful in the medical field, but then I realize that if I went into Biology, I still would've been wasting potential.

27. I don't really like to do work when it comes down to things that don't particularly interest me. So I definitely and honestly didn't in high school (except in AP English 11...well, sometimes). Ended up with a 4.7 GPA - not bad, right?

28. I think I'm humble because I state it as it is then give God all the credit. And I don't think I'm better than anyone else. Because I don't need to compare myself to feel good about myself.

29. I spent a lot of 2005 listening to everybody's problems and dishing out advice. Now I have no interest in being that sort of person, because I feel like I spent over a year just listening to everyone else, but not getting my chance to express myself.

30. Don't expect me to express myself to you, though, unless you're name is Beth or Carmen, or we're talking about trivial concerns. I'm not an open person, and it takes time for me to want to allow myself to be vulnerable in front of a person.

31. As much as I love being the center of attention, I also don't mind being behind the scenes. I've had to do a lot of that throughout my life because I went to a shyness thing that I'm only now starting to grow out of, and I find it intriguing. And it's what's made me a great listener and a decent "expert" on how humans work - because I've just watched them for years. See why I was gonna become a psychiatrist?

32. I love to write, but I feel like something traumatic must've happened at the end of 2005, because after that point, my writing habits went downhill from there. Not sure what happened, but it also does mark a shift from wanting to be a novelist to a filmmaker, because I have tons of story ideas that I now would rather express through film than prose.

33. This number was my trademark basketball number for YEARS. Then I became a sophomore in high school and had to resort to 44. Not a bad alternative.

34. Basketball is another passion of mine. I miss playing organized, competitive ball sooo badly, but the last two years of high school just kind of screwed my mindset over completely. I seriously had the potential to play Division 1 ball. I just was screwed over.

35. I completely understand now why everything that has happened so far in my life did happen. God truly knows what He's doing.

36. I find it ironic how many people consider Christians as close-minded for how they consider God, Jesus, the Bible, and their system of faith as being the only option, yet no one accuses atheists of being close-minded.

37. I do not like it when people are clingy.

38. Nor when people think we're better/closer friend than we're actually are.

39. I am going to raise my kids in Canada.

40. No matter how wealthy or whatever I get, my kids are going to public school. I'm not sheltering them nor paying when the government gives me a completely fine option.

41. I'm a Democrat. Liberal. Whatever you wanna call it. And get pissed when people denounce that just because of the abortion and gay marriage issue, neither of which personally defines me as a democrat, because there are SO many other issues and do not even have anything to do with my political standing, just my spiritual one.

42. I hate it when people aren't consistent.

43. I am possibly the most inconsistent person around.

44. I am a hypocrite.

45. I am also indecisive when it comes to small matters, such as wear I want to eat, what I want to buy, what I want to do, etc.

46. However, for the bigger issues, I know exactly what I want and I refuse to back down from that.

47. I think the color of Hayley Williams' hair is phenomenal. It's not that I want her hair or anything - I just think that shade is amazing.

48. Speaking of amazing colors, I am completely enamored by the color of the sky on a clear day. It is amazing. And it reminds me of God every time.

49. I am also obsessed with the colors of a sunset, especially in New York when it reflects off of the buildings and just emerged the whole entire skyline. Orangeish red/yellow can be amazing when merged together, thus Hayley's hair.

50. I am upset that after all of that, I'm still only halfway done. Wtg?

51. Heights is pretty much the only thing I'm afraid of. And maybe the process of getting close to someone. Not sure of the latter, though.

52. Yes, I can appreciate good country music, and I honestly like the musical stylings of Dolly Parton.

53. I used to dance on the tables when I was in 9th grade, then preach to the masses out of my little Bible.

54. I appreciate "Titanic" in a way that I haven't seen anyone else do. It all lies in the theme I get out of it, said perfectly by aged Rose near the end, "...that he saved me, in every way that a person can be saved." It wasn't a love story to me. It was a life story and how someone came to realization on how to truly live her life. And that whole "I'll never let go" gonch that she says that EVERYONE makes fun of. Get over it - she's talking about all the stuff Jack taught her.

55. By the way, Leonardo DiCaprio is my favorite actor and not for this stunning good looks. Though he definitely has them. But if he was just average, I'd still love him.

56. Natalie Portman is awesome on screen. In case you were wondering. So yeah, favorite actress.

57. The original Star Wars trilogy is definitely up there on my favorites list. The second trilogy released a few years ago kind of really sucks, though. I'd love to re-do it.

58. I'm half Carribean. Or West Indian. Whichever you'd rather. Nevisian, even.

59. I have a lot of Quaker products in my room right now. Instant oatmeal, chewy granola, and I just finished the little rice cakes the other day.

60. My first screen name was KarCJT728. Karate, Chanelle Jasmine Tyson, July 28th. Does it make sense now?

61. I think very highly of my two best friends. And it pisses me off when people try to talk trash about them 'cause yeah, they're so much better than those trash talkers will ever be.

62. I don't care if you do something to me most times. But cross my friends, and I will freakin' make you wish that you didn't. Pisses me off.

63. On a happier note, I think squirrel are really cool. I wish I could have a domesticated one. Someday, I will.

64. I played softball for about 3 years. I had a killer swing, because of my upper body strength, but I'd get so jumpy on the plate that I'd always swing too early. But I could catch them outfield balls like it was nobody's business.

65. Playing the outfield bores the mess out of me, though. Especially when you're playing against a bad team or your pitcher sucks.

66. I genuinely like the song "Nobody's Perfect." Yes, by Hannah Montana.

67. "Set Phasers to Stun", "O. Lover", "Song For A Friend", and "Lovestoned (I Think She Knows Interlude)" absolutely make music for me.

68. HAHAHA I just read that Miley Cyrus OFFICIALLY changed her name from "Destiny Hope Cyrus" to "Miley Ray Cyrus." Like, legally! And that cracks me up. Who the heck would do that at 15? That girl has issues - stick to ONE identity and keep it.

69. If I could change my name...wait. I would never do that. I really genuinely like my name.

70. I love the smell of Tide Soap Powder. Oh my gosh, it smells sooo good.

71. I could eat Italian food everyday. I love the spices, the sauces, and the meats especially.

72. The only good part about Valentine's Day for me is those candy hearts with the writing on them. I love those things - they taste great.

73. I feel like naming every movie that I have up here with me, maybe in hopes that someone reading this note will be comment that they want to watch one with me, 'cause I'm in one of those moods: (the Leonardi DiCaprio ones are reserved for a movie marathon that will happen someday, though)

Batman Returns, Blood Diamond, Catch Me if You Can, Children of Men, The Departed, Domino, Donnie Darko, Edward Scissorhands, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Fargo, Fight Club, Forrest Gump, Gangs of New York, The Godfathr, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, High School Musical, Kung Pow, Mean Girls, Scary Movie 2, Se7en, She's the Man, Sicko, Sixteen Candles, Star Wars trilogy, Talladega Nights, Titanic, The Truman Show, and V for Vendetta.

74. I wish I was either a Power Ranger, a Jedi Knight, and Pokemon trainer, or attended Hogwarts. Too bad I'm past the prime age for, like, all those. Except maybe the Pokemon trainer, but where do I get a Pikachu? Yeah, that's what I thought.

75. Someday I will become a guitar expert.

76. Also, I will someday learn how to do a few tricks pretty well on a skateboard.

77. Degrassi: The Next Generation and South of Nowhere are the two shows that I hardcore follow.

78. I absolutely adore 80's music. Careless Whispers, Our Lips Are Sealed, Beat It, Billie Jean, Islands in the Stream, Wake Me Up Before You Go Go, and Take On Me are among my favorites. And Jenny (8675309). And Footloose. Dang, I love it all.

79. Plus the movies. I think Sixteen Candles is the best teen movie ever, and just one of the funniest movies period. And who doesn't love The Breakfast Club? I mean, c'mon! John Hughes is freakin' genius in his own right.

80. Some of the best sounding words/phrases are sadly inappropriate. Like "menage a trois", "cunnilingus", and "douchebag." All fun to say - I wish they didn't mean what they did, haha.

81. Guys with stubble facial hair - oh yeah! I love that.

82. This Sea Island Cotton body splash stuff I got from Bath and Body Works is some of the most satisfying smelling stuff ever. It smells like a cloud. I love it.

83. The headphone jack in my iPod is busted, so music only plays out of one side of any head or earphone I plug into there. I need it repaired.

84. I am using a Mac Book Pro. I kind of miss PC, but I do admit, Macs come with nifty entertainment stuff.

85. I wasn't at all excited about becoming 18. But it's been great so far, but not because of the perks or whatever.

86. I definitely enjoy Christmas carols of all sorts.

87. I also wish I could be a secret agent or a fighter pilot. Has that opportunity already passed? I think I want to make films more, though.

88. Sour Skittles are amazing. Yep.

89. So is the Phantom Tollbooth. You should read that, and the Holy Bible, and anything Tim O'Brein and 1984 and anything Alexandre Dumas and the Lord of the Flies and the Great Gatsby.

90. I didn't really like Catcher in the Rye. I mean, I didn't dislike it. It's a good book, I suppose. But I related it to it way to much, especially at that time I was reading it, for my likiing.

91. I absolutely love playing the Crash Bandicoot series for Playstation 1. If ANYONE has them, let me know. I'm crashing your dorm.

92. I am obsessed with bodies of waters. The larger, the better. I just can't ever stop staring. When flying, when passing over bridges, whenever.

93. Johnny Depp, in my opinion, is the most gorgeous man on Earth.

94. Tom Brady is gorgeous, but I like the boy-next-door subtle cute look of Eli Manning better.

95. I hate it when guys wear skinny jeans. However, I am quite comfortable in the pair I have on right now.

96. Sometimes I feel slightly weird around girls that are taller than me. It's because I'm so used to being the tallest girl that when put in the opposite's kind of weird.

97. I love this city. The skyline, just walking through it. It's pretty great.

98. I never want to live in High Point again. I'll visit or whatever. But I don't want that to be my permanent address. Nothing happens there. It's an awkward town. I don't like it.

99. Los Angeles is calling me. It has been for awhile. I'm gonna get over there as soon as possible.

100. God is amazing. Life is amazing. I am always happy. Though not always satisfied. But definitely happy.

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